Мариян Маринов
Marian is a system administrator by heart. He is working with Linux for more then 20 years. Currently he is Head of DevOps at Web Hosting Canada. He is a big fan of FOSS and regularly speaks at different FOSS conferences around the world. Marian also helps with the organization of OpenFest - Bulgaria's biggest FOSS conferences. In his spare time he teaches Linux system administration and Network security courses in Sofia University and SoftUni.
- PlovdivConf 2013 - Как да ползваме git hooks за да спестим време
- TarnovoConf 2013 - Arduino - the fun it brings you
- BlagoevgradConf 2013 - Bluetooth security
- BurgasConf 2014 - The idiot's approach to patching
- RuseConf 2014 - High-availability with Pacemaker
- BlagoevgradConf 2014 - Run Two ISPs in Your Home (Multihomed Router)
- PlovdivConf 2015 - PulseAudio
- BurgasConf 2015 - Containers
- TarnovoConf 2015 - DIY home thermostat with Arduino YUN and DHT22
- TarnovoConf 2016 - Social Engineering - Or How to Steal Your Identity
- PlovdivConf 2016 - IPv6 Deployment and Maintenance
- VarnaConf 2016 - MySQL Replication with Galera
- BurgasConf 2016 - The Return of Proxy ARP
- PlovdivConf 2017 - Securing your KVM/Container network
- TarnovoConf 2017 - Resource management in Linux
- VarnaConf 2018 - Mitigating Network Attacks
- RuseConf 2018 - HTTP/3 and QUIC
- VarnaConf 2019 - Demonstration of Network Attacks at L2 and L3 (no stream and no recording)
- BurgasConf 2019 - Layer 2 and 3 network attacks (no recording and streaming)
- BurgasConf 2019 - L2 between the hackerspaces (lightning talk)
- BurgasConf 2021 - Control your service resources with systemd